Data centre infrastructure includes all of the physical components contained in a data centre environment. If it's physically inside or forms the physical structure of a data centre facility, then it's data centre infrastructure. Evolve and grow with smarter, more scalable solutions To compete and win, data centers need the freedom to scale seamlessly in...
An enterprise data center is a private facility operated for the sole use of supporting a single organization. They can be located either on-premises or off-premises at a site chosen for connectivity, power, and security purposes.
Cat6 vs Cat6A – How can we protect the initial investment against these changing demands? – Do I invest in Category 6 or Category 6A cabling? ”There is a list of considerations and variables to analyze: Material costs For how many years will we be using 6? And 6A?
Deploying smart LEDs lays the foundation to transform the lighting network for other Internet of Things (IOT) applications. A follow-me lighting approach utilising sensors illuminates when movement is detected.
Predicting the future is an imperfect science. Movies and books have been talking about the future for decades with only partial accuracy. However, predicting future data center requirements is perhaps more of a realistic endeavor.